Top 5 Must-Have Libraries for React Native Development

Vinicius Petrachin
3 min readJan 9, 2023


Top 5 Must-Have Libraries for React Native Development Banner

Welcome to this tutorial on the top 5 best libraries for React Native development! In this post, we will be discussing the benefits of using 5 libraries in React Native.

Remembering that this specific list put the top 5 that I use most in my day to day in large and medium-sized projects in the current reality, in the past there were other libraries and in the future it could be others. It is always important to see the context in which you are applied!;

Redux Toolkit & RTK Query

First up, let’s talk about Redux Toolkit and RTK Query. These two libraries are must-haves for any React Native developer looking to implement a reliable and efficient state management system. Redux Toolkit provides a set of utilities that make it easier to work with Redux, while RTK Query adds functionality for fetching, caching, and updating data from a server. Together, these tools make it simple to manage complex application state and keep your app running smoothly.

Styled Components

Next, we have Styled Components. If you’re tired of dealing with the hassle of CSS in your React Native projects, then Styled Components is the solution you’ve been looking for. This library allows you to write your styles in JavaScript, making it easy to style and customize your components without the need for separate stylesheets. Not only does this make your code more readable, but it also allows for better integration with React’s component-based architecture.

React Hook Form

Third on our list is React Hook Form. This library is a must-have for any developer working with forms in React Native. It provides a simple, lightweight solution for managing form state and validation, and makes it easy to create custom form inputs and handles. With React Hook Form, you’ll be able to create intuitive, user-friendly forms that are a breeze to work with.

React Navigation

Fourth, we have React Navigation. If you’re building a React Native app, chances are you’ll need a way to navigate between screens. React Navigation is the go-to library for this task, providing a simple, flexible, and powerful solution for managing navigation in your app. With a wide range of features and integrations, React Navigation makes it easy to build smooth, intuitive navigation flows for your users.

React Native Config

Last but not least, we have React Native Config. This library is a must-have for any developer working on a large React Native project with multiple environments. It allows you to define different configuration values for each environment, making it easy to manage different settings for development, staging, and production. With React Native Config, you’ll be able to maintain a single codebase while still being able to customize your app for different environments.


Did you enjoy the content? If so, I have a top 10 list for 2022 that you might be interested in. Just follow the link to check it out. And don’t worry, I’ll be creating a top 10 list for 2023 as well. Make sure to follow me so you don’t miss out on any future content.



In conclusion, these are the top 5 best libraries for React Native development in our opinion. Whether you’re looking to manage state, style your components, work with forms, navigate between screens, or customize your app for different environments, these libraries have you covered. We hope you found this tutorial helpful, and be sure to follow us for more content on React Native development!



Vinicius Petrachin

Experienced React Native developer with a passion for mobile app development. Focusing on reaching seniority in React Native!